Tips for Hosting an Incredible Women's Ministry Program

As you become intentional about developing amazing women's ministry programs, you'll quickly learn that it's not as complicated as it seems. If you remain extremely prepared and provide the right atmosphere, the women will feel ministered to. Consider the following tips to host an incredible women's ministry event. 

1. Develop a team. Don't make the mistake of trying to take on this endeavor by yourself. Instead, it's always wise to incorporate the help of a team. You can put someone in charge of advertising. Another person can be in charge of gathering the food for the event. Someone else can manage the speakers for the event. Utilize your team so it doesn't fall on you. 

2. Provide refreshments. Who doesn't want to come to an event with good food? In this case, you can serve light refreshments. Even if you don't have a large budget, it's always great to provide food. Plus, it's easy to get creative. A large punch bowl, chips and brownies can go far. Don't let finances stop you. There are ways to stretch food in order to feed the masses that come to your event. 

3. Advertise in advance. Don't wait until a week before the event to advertise it. Instead, you'll want to make sure you promote the event in advance. Begin to create buzz a month before. This way, women can set aside time in their schedule to make sure they prioritize the event. Another great way to promote the event involves adding a charitable factor. It's always amazing when a ministry can actively give back to others. If you're charging a small fee for this christian women workshop, reserve a portion of the proceeds to cover missions and work that serves the community. 

4. Give women room to communicate and process. While it's really nice for women to get together to listen to a speaker, women want to converse with one another. More than anything else, women want to feel like they're heard. They want to feel like they have a safe space to communicate with others. Even if you have a panel or a keynote speaker, make sure there's a part of the program that's dedicated to dialogue, questions and conversation.