There are several elements to consider if you want to master the art of the cornhole toss, and if you want to separate yourself from the casual players and turn yourself into a professional, here are some tips to help master the game:
Spin the Bag
Usually, what divides the professionals from the casual players will be the mechanics of the throw. Most professionals will spin the bag, and in doing so, spinning will help stabilize the bag in air, similar to a toy spinning upright on a table. Spinning the bag allows you to control the direction and is less inclined to move in windy situations. While you won't master the spin toss at first, you have to understand it can take a handful of games before you even hit the board. Practice this technique for a few hours, and if you feel the urge to throw it the way you were before, keep telling yourself it will take some time.
Learn How to Grip, Stand and Release
You're going to want to clutch the bag with your fingers beneath the bag with your thumb on the top in the middle. With both feet together, your knees should be somewhat bent and your body should bend slightly over your throwing arm. When you start to step forward to throw towards the board, make sure it's the foot the opposite of your throwing arm. As you step ahead, your throwing arm should sway backward as you put weight on your front foot. When you're ready to release, make sure you release with a slight turn of the wrist as your hand slightly passes your waistline, allowing your hand to become level with your forehead. The bag spin, as you're releasing, should be done with your fingers at the end of your release.
The Arc
Now that you have the spin, grip, posture and release down, the last thing to master will be the arc of your throw. The bag, once it releases your hand, should be no more than five to 10 feet in the air. If you throw the bag any higher, you risk losing accuracy or slipping off the board as it lands. Regulation cornhole boards use a latex surface, which means it can slip right off if the conditions are right. After you get the hang of your arc, your focus should be on the objective, not the arc of your bag.
As you master these techniques and learn how to spin the bag appropriately, you can soon be using the same techniques the professionals use at major tournaments, hopefully winning the grand prize.